These online courses are available on a one-to-one individual basis. People are finding the flexibility of start date and around holidays make the one-to-one courses very convenient. All courses are held on-line.
I have had some wonderful feedback from past courses – some of which is below.
Some of the things people said about it are on the Students Comments Page
The Course
This is an experiential rather than a theoretical course and is designed for those who have some experience with a tarot deck – I am assuming knowledge of how to read tarot generally – spreads, linking cards etc. though I won’t assume any knowledge of the Thoth deck itself. Our approach is basically from a psychological perspective, using the Gerd Zeigler book “Tarot – Mirror of the Soul”, and an intuitive angle, using visualisation into cards to gain our own information. We will look at personal blocks to using the Thoth and there will be quite a bit of personal work. There are many systems of thought that are included in the Thoth deck you will get a chance to look into one in more depth – but it is an experiential course rather than one of learning about the Qabalah, Astrology, Magick etc.

Independent, individually run versions of this course can start at a time to suit you, with breaks for school holidays.
If there is a group of you who would like to learn together this can be arranged too, it would still be online, but the group would share a private forum area for the course where you could also share with each other. Contact me below for more information.
The course runs for a total of 16 weeks including the introductions week and a feedback week at the end to tie up loose ends. A new topic is set every 2 weeks; the first week is for doing the exercises for that topic, the second week is for responding to tutor comments on your work and to ask questions, and if in a group, share comments and knowledge with other students. This enriches the experience for everyone.
Course Outline
14 week course teaching with 2 weeks intro and feedback to give space to the course. There will be breaks in the course for school holiday periods, during which you will have the chance to have a break or for independent study.
- Week 1: Introduction – Basic differences between RWS style decks and Thoth
- Weeks 2 + 3: Thoth and you. Your journey with the Thoth deck. Exploring your current connection with the Thoth and gaining the guidance on how you need to approach your learning and development.
- Weeks 4 + 5: Thoth and your shadow – cards you love/cards you hate. Inner work with the Thoth.
- Weeks 6 + 7: Journeying into a card, speaking with characters and objects within a card, intuition development.
- Weeks 8 + 9: Free association with the cards, building your intuition, releasing blocks to trusting your intuition.
- Weeks 10 + 11: Reading for others/the public
- Weeks 12 + 13: Standing back from a reading, using all the approaches in a reading together.
- Weeks 14 + 15: Recap – where are you now with the Thoth. What are your next steps?
- Week 16: Feedback
Benefits of the course
- Individual attention – minimum 2 hours of tutor time each topic, so you get the attention you would in private lessons.
- Held on a one-2-one basis on a private forum area for full confidentiality.
- Short courses so can decide commitment level (advanced course following is available)
- Inner growth
- Personal experience of the Thoth and how the cards work with inner growth
- Experience of reading for others with the Thoth
- Intuition development, and tools to take away with you and continue using in your own time
- Free MP3’s of a variety of visualisations to help your intuition development, and your connection with the cards’ energies.
- Digital course completion certificate, for all those who complete all exercises by the end of the feedback week.
Current price £360 payableby direct bank transfer or through PayPal, the details will be given after acceptance on a course. Payment by installments can also be arranged – please enquire.
To apply for the course please follow the instructions on the applying for the course here.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
This course is not a beginners’ tarot course, though I do not expect you to have worked with the Thoth before. If you have that is OK, the course will still help you develop your relationship with this deck. I have outlined the main course requirements below and would like you to submit a short paragraph about yourself and your experience with the tarot. I also offer a beginners module to bring you to the level needed to be able to take this course. See the Beginners Tarot Module page for details of this short add-on course.
Course requirements are:
- Basic tarot knowledge, general meanings etc.
- Knowledge of spreads
- Know how to go about a reading, connecting the cards together
- Access to the internet and email regularly
- Prepared to look at yourself – psychologically probing course (though it is not therapy)
- Time for the exercises and to connect respond on the forum. (estimate minimum 1.5 hours a week)
- A Thoth deck, any size
- The recommended book is Tarot: Mirror of the Soul by Gerd Ziegler, though you may find the following books useful if you have them:
- Keywords for the Crowley Tarot – Hajo Banzhaf and Brigitte Theler ,
- The Crowley Tarot – Akron and Hajo Banzhaf
- Tarot: Mirror of our Relationships – Gerd Ziegler
I am aware that the Ziegler books can be hard to get hold of. I recommend looking for used copies on or offline if you have trouble finding the Mirror of the Soul new.