Only mentoring via Zoom is available currently, please see the mentoring page for details. Elements of all the courses can be included through this medium. Please contact me for details.
Online Training for Intuitive Reading
One of the best ways to know a deck is to really live the deck, as you find yourself relating to the cards as you go through your life you find that you begin to know what they symbolise at a deeper and deeper level and you begin to understand how the outside world we live in is a reflection of the internal world we carry about us.
In the courses I run here we are primarily focusing you on knowing yourself as as you know yourself through the cards then you also come to know what is not you when you are reading for other people. I am also focusing on getting in touch with the deep intuitive part of our nature more and more clearly so I can offer more and more accurate and useful guidance to those who come to us for a reading.
One of my all time favourite decks is the Thoth deck – this deck is very rich with symbolism from a number of different esoteric schools of thought each carefully worked out in its correspondence so you can access this decks meaning in many different ways. The more of these thought systems you are familiar with the more nuances of meaning you can intuitively draw upon in your readings for others.
My work has developed from intuition training into offering the technical background also, to those who are already using the Thoth and other decks and wish to further ground their correspondances in traditional meanings. Many of my courses offer connections with these traditional ways of veiwing the decks’ symbolisms and encourage you to explore and learn these and make your own connections from the knowledge. I also offer courses where you can use any deck to follow the same learning principles. My skills being in both the use of tarot over the years as well as in facilitation of your own personal growth and ability to learn what you need to.
Look at the bespoke courses for bringing together the elements you feel you need to enhance your tarot reading skills at this time. You choose the modules you explore in custom built one-to-one online courses.
Take a look around the site and at the courses I offer, also sign up for our monthly newsletter where I offer hints and tips for reading with the Thoth deck.