Client Comment

Having just completed the ‘Absolute Beginners In Tarot Module’ I will, without any hesitation, wholly recommend this three week course! You are gently introduced to the world of the Thoth Tarot which is not nearly as forbidding or ‘not for the beginner’ as some reviewers/commentators would have you believe. Emma’s skilful, generous teaching and support … Continue reading “Client Comment”

Having just completed the ‘Absolute Beginners In Tarot Module’ I will, without any hesitation, wholly recommend this three week course!

You are gently introduced to the world of the Thoth Tarot which is not nearly as forbidding or ‘not for the beginner’ as some reviewers/commentators would have you believe.

Emma’s skilful, generous teaching and support leads you through the fundamentals in a gentle, intuitive way and gives you a wonderful basic grounding in this alluring, deep and mysterious deck.

Thank you again Emma!